

发布人:   发布时间:2024-05-16 17:23:56


There are many basic properties of galvanized coils, and the air duct processing industry mainly focuses on the following aspects: width, thickness, density, whether there are patterns or not, the number of grams of zinc layer, brand, etc.


The thickness of galvanized coils can reach over 30 types, and ventilation ducts with different thicknesses can be selected according to the requirements of different ventilation projects for steel coil processing.


The zinc flakes with slight unevenness on the surface of the patterned galvanized coil are produced using traditional galvanizing technology, while the non patterned galvanized coil is produced and processed using modern electroplating technology. The surface has no pattern unevenness, and the zinc layer is uniform. It is commonly used in high-precision and high demand ventilation and smoke exhaust environments, but its corrosion resistance is weaker than that of galvanized patterned materials.


The higher the zinc layer of the galvanized coil, the better its corrosion resistance and higher its cost. The brands of galvanized coils have four well-known steel mill brands, namely Wuhan Iron and Steel, Ansteel, Shougang, and Baosteel. The galvanized coils of these steel mills have brand endorsements and usually have guaranteed quality. The thickness of the galvanized coils can be measured to a solid thickness, and even with a vernier caliper, accurate thickness can be measured.



Some large-scale ventilation and smoke exhaust duct projects will prioritize cooperation with manufacturers who can produce galvanized coils from these steel mills, while for small ventilation projects with low requirements, choosing other brands of steel coils can save costs.

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